Jesus washes the disciples' feet: It began with a demonstration that made no sense to the participants. There was their Lord and Master - claimed and acknowledged as the Son of God, taking off His outer garment and becoming a slave. This was right after they all had heard the acknowledgement from heaven. Here, I am thinking of all those moments that I felt self-important: Answered prayers, well thought out responses to difficult questions, leading worship, praying for people... All of those times when I thought how wronged I was. All the hurts and intended meanings that I cried out to God about, together with those times when God dealt with some painful truths about my attitude to people lead up to this question: "Do you understand what I have done for you?" Bewildered as His audience were, I ask myself is this just about the humility of Christ? Thank fully, the Lord, explains Himself: "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also sh...
What have I that I haven't received?