" I don't want to come to school to hear the teacher complain about you." I said it even before I knew what I meant. Then I tried changing it... " It is not about me. It is for your own good. I want you to grow up into a good human being and not be a burden on the society" I realised it was still about me. How do you train up a child in the way that he(she) should go? I had to think hard to come to this point. My children are a heritage. They are not the bearers of my pride. Being a good human being is not natural. It takes seasons of failures and successes in every day life of the parent. Bringing up children is hardwork for me. As much as I cherished the song, ' Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus', and lingered over the lines " Jesus, Jesus how I trust Him, How I've proved Him o'er and o'er" it made more sense to me only after miserable moments of motherhood. I learned to let it rest at Jesus' feet. He gave me the courage to ...
What have I that I haven't received?